Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Job In Reviewme

Due to the many other friends complained rarely get a job in Reviewme, although there is a job that only the job of gambling.

For that, this time I share a few tips I find a job in Reviewme during this stretch.

This way at least I often get a job in Reviewme where the job a little difficult here because the system of conquest, who quickly he can!

Here are tips to get my job in Reviewme:

1. Select the appropriate category

Category influence offeran job to it. If we do not carefully choose the right category can be sure it will be quiet offeran job.

To know that many job categories, I note the usual tag cloud Reviewme in a letter larger and clearer, such as the category business, technology, blogs, etc..

So, this tag cloud of my life as a guide to the categories I choose to my blog.

So, if for instance, does not like the job is gambling, should change to another category. Because most gaming category gambling review, we are not to do, better to change the category of other opportunities to widen an offer from the job category page.

How to change the category that is on the menu to submit / manage my blogs, and the select list of blogs in there to edit and change the category of blogs.

2. There is a clock-hour job

For the Reviewme, unpredictable hours there is a job that does come, each person may be different categories and also affect the bid this job.

However, from experience, the job will appear between 10 minutes until the appropriate needle length to 12 hours. For example, less than 12 hours 10 minutes, less than 1 hour 10 minutes, etc.. So while it earned 10 minutes in standby Reviewme with frequent refresh the page in the job Reviewme.

Marketing often log every hour, 10 minutes before the needle length to number 12, and stand by the Reviewme to needle length to the number 12 (if you skip the number 12 has a normal job is not there), with a refresh the page each time. Few bothered because they often have to login and seizure

3. The number of blog

The more the number of blogs that successfully pass and registered in Reviewme, the greater the opportunity to get more job-an offer. This is because we can select more different categories for the blog we are!
So, try to get more than one blog to Reviewme.

With 4 to my blog listed in Reviewme, the number of categories blog that provides job opportunities is a bid of 15 categories.

The variations in the category of job opportunities can also offer greater.

Now it's 3 way my life to get a job-job in Reviewme! But entering this month Reviewme super quiet!

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