Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Opportunities Dollar Text Link Ads

Text Link Ads (TLA), is one way of monetization blog that much easier if paid in the appeal review. This is because at the TLA, our task more simple and easy, just enter the scrypt RSS feeds from the TLA (for users Blogspot), and stay there waiting to buy the advertiser links that we are selling. Once there, which filled, meaning ready-ready in aliri Pundi dollars monthly

However, previously, difficulty in joining the program TLA this dikabarkan blog learner must be at least PR4 for Blogspot users, who are hosting personal use in Wordpress PR2 also reportedly received.

However, finally there is good news for users of Blogspot, because eventually TLA little to soften Blogspot users, because the learner PR3 blog now also be accepted, the original blog tolerably good stat. If the previous PR3 blog that I try to register at the TLA, the decline manually rejected by the TLA, well past when I register try again 3 blog PR3, all that can be received in the well. Moderate to blog under my PR3 try and declined, albeit tolerable good stat blog.

So, if you want additional results from his blog that have at least PR3, TLA tried feasible. Besides not bothered to write a review, TLA also not too touch the display because the blog is displayed only as a link in the blogroll as we blog. Except perhaps in the future obok PR-obok Google is doing.

If interested please list directly in www.textlinkads.com, there is also surprisingly refferal program for additional results

Additional: Before entering blog for the list, make sure that stat, especially blogs link Popularity and traffic is good enough. Because if the REJECT will be difficult in the list again, his blog

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